got around to watching

I got around to watching a programme that Tivo had recorded for us a month or so ago about Lomography. It was really interesting, and I especially like the Rules for photography. No 1: Take your camera everywhere you go. Last time I did this was with my eyemodule [photos]. Hmm, sometimes I wonder whether I should have 2 sets of camera equipment, one for “shoots” and one just to carry around with me. or maybe I should just invest in a camera phone like Richard‘s?

I’m especially taken with the supersampler shots as this is a really interesting concept.

ve had fillings in

I’ve had 2 fillings in the last 4 days. Hmmmph. One on Friday, one today. Friday’s one is still hurting. Today’s doesn’t feel so bad. Smpathy please.

We were in London

Madness of George Dubya sign

We were in London last night attending an ecademy event. The event wasn’t great, but it was good to meet up with some friends. On the way home we noticed the above sign for a play: The Madness of George Dubya. You can’t quite make it out, but on the far left it says “re-written daily”. No idea what the show’s like, but nice title.

Last night went to

Last night I went to our local camera club for the first time. I had been thinking about going for a while, but didn’t think I was good enough and felt embarassed by my efforts. Over the weekend we popped along to their exhibition at the Gardner Arts Centre and I realised that they had a wide cross-section of styles and talents, and that I wasn’t far behind some of them and so could probably learn by association.

Last night was a slide show by a Father and Son team. Paul, the son, did a show on his different styles of photography and some were very impressive especially this. Father, Roger, did a show based on photos he took during a trip to Patagonia – some very impressive icebergs and glaciers. I have much to learn.

The club has a lot of, how do I put this politely?, older members, but the people I spoke to were all very nice and chatty, so I’ll probably go again.