ve just been looking

I’ve just been looking around the internet searching for somewhere selling The West Wing Series 1 cheaper than Amazon, and I stumbled across Priceclash who do comparison shopping for DVDs, videos, CDs and games but who seem to cover far more stores than Kelkoo or any of the other alternatives. One to bookmark I think.

Well that is the

Well that is the first week of my new job over with, and I think I’m getting on ok. Starting working on some code yesterday, and seemed to find my way around that without too much difficulty. Now, if only the office had some air conditioning…

The Kensington Wifi Finder

The Kensington Wifi Finder looks like an interesting gadget. It’s a wifi finder so you can just look at the lights to see if there’s a wifi connection where you are – without having to get the laptop out. Sounds cool… now I just need a laptop that is luggable…

So yesterday left Northern

So yesterday I left Northern Atlas. Jeremy and I went in, collected the remainder of our belongings and then went, with Duncan, to Woodies Diner for a lovely, lardy lunch.

Jeremy slams

In the evening Richard and I met up with Jeremy and Kirsty and we headed down to Santa Fe for some 2 for 1 happy hour cocktails to start us off. The guys sitting next to us were obviously out on a mission to get drunk as fast as possible, and were drinking some weird concoctions (sambuca, creme de menthe, baileys with a shot of tequilla on the side). We got chatting to them, and all of a sudden they were going to buy us tequilla as well. We all turned it down, well, apart from Jeremy that is… who had a shot with them, and then of course had to return the favour and have another shot – this time of Bacardi 151. We made a quick getaway, whilst he could still stand, and had dinner at the Boardwalk before finishing the evening playing arcade games on the pier.

Jeremy and attempted to

Jeremy and I attempted to go on another bike ride today but it was not to be. The plan was to get the train to Southease and then cycle back to Devil’s Dyke along the South Downs Way.

We went to the station and bought our tickets, and then discovered that there were no trains running beyond Lewes because of emergency engineering work and so there was a bus replacement service – they didn’t tell us this when we were buying our tickets which was somewhat annoying. We consulted the map during the journey and decided on an alternative starting point for our ride, and so arrived in Lewes with a plan.

As we cycled up the high street my bike started to misbehave and my chain jumped off the deraileur. I fixed it, and cycled on about a further 5 metres before it came off again, this time with the deraileur being in a really odd position. It looked like there was a fracture in a piece of metal which attached it to the bike, and after only a gentle movement it snapped into two pieces. Bah! We took a quick look around Lewes for a bike shop, but drew a blank and so ended up getting on the train and returning to Brighton. 🙁

Last night attended my

Last night I attended my first Skillswap event. These are free events where the emphasis is on learning a new skill, and presented by a local expert. It was presented by Matt Zandstra (author of Sams Teach Yourself PHP in 24 Hours) and was all about PHP, Objects and Patterns. Matt also delved into some of the new features that PHP5 will provide when it’s released towards the end of this year.

I must admit that Design Patterns are something that have been on the fringe of my knowledge for a long time, but that I’ve just never got around to learning more about, so it is good to now have a bit more of an idea. There were a couple of book recommendations mentioned during the night – Design patterns : elements of reusable object-oriented software and A Little Java, a Few Patterns which I may have to take a closer look at.