I’ve finally got around to sorting out the Canada photos
I’ve finally got around to sorting out the Canada photos
The election has been called for 5th May, who’d have thought it… Some of the people in my office have already had their polling cards through. The BBC have a decent looking Issues guide to help compare the policies on offer from Labour, the Conservatives, the Lib Dems, Green and UKIP.
March 2005
2 weeks in Canada snowboarding. We did 4 days snowboarding in Fernie, then 2 in Kimberley. We then had a day off and drove to Nelson (which was mostly shut) before catching the Lake Kootenay Ferry. We then moved on to Panorama and did 2 days snowboarding, with a day off for exploring other resorts, and another day snowboarding. Our final day was spent at Kicking Horse enjoying a powder bowl at the top.
A great trip, a beautiful part of the world. Shame about the lack of snow – Fernie and Panorama look like they’d be excellent when the snow is better.
We spent Saturday afternoon helping Richard’s Godson James celebrate his 4th birthday in the play area at the Ock ‘n’ Dough pub in Wellingborough. We stayed with him and his family overnight, and after the boys had gone to bed, ordered a takeaway from Deans Caribbean Cuisine which was really tasty, and a complete change for me as I think the only Caribbean food I’ve had before has been at the Notting Hill Carnival many years ago. Now I’m going to have to investigate the Caribbean food options in Brighton…
We caught up on a bit of Tivo‘d tv last night, and watched A place in the Sun which was about a lady contemplating the move to Auckland, New Zealand. This was the move that we considered in 2001 and rejected on the grounds that we would be cutting ourselves off from friends and family as a lot of people seemed to be having children at this time and that was really going to prevent most people from visiting us. Also all of our holiday allowance would end up being spent travelling back to the UK to see family and friends and this would stop us making the most of our opportunities in a new country. Interestingly, the lady on the programme also ended up staying in the UK for family reasons.
It got me thinking about our choice, instead of moving to Auckland we moved to Brighton (lots more outdoor living opportunities than Ealing had. although admittedly not the climate that Auckland has) and this has worked out really well for us. I’d still like to go on a long visit to New Zealand to experience it properly though.
A few years ago, the guy who throws bottles off the pier would probably have received venture capital investment for his web site.
In less than a month we’ve gone from once-in-a-decade snow on the beach weather to t-shirt weather:
Pictures grabbed from BBC Southern Counties Webcams.
Whilst we were in Canada last week we picked up a copy of Frequency snowboard magazine, which is along the same lines as The snowboard Journal which we have a subscription for. It’s another beautiful coffee-table type magazine and the issue we have (4.2) includes an interesting “UnResort” guide – heli and cat access etc.
2005-12-21 00:00:01, Brighton: first gay marriages in the UK. Interesting to note that the Civil Partnership Act also allows for divorce, so there’s an opportunity for another first there for any couple interested in getting into the record books.
We’re just back from 2 weeks in Canada snowboarding in 4 British Columbia resorts (Fernie, Kimberley, Panorama and a bonus day trip to Kicking Horse). Unfortunately, whilst the UK has been having lots of snow (including just about enough to snowboard on in Ashdown Forest) most of the resorts we were at were desperately in need of the white stuff. Fortunately the bases were pretty good, and the grooming guys were working hard to make the best of it. We had a great time, and I can only imagine how good Fernie and Panorama must be when there is powder about.