On Saturday we were

On Saturday we were at Don’t look back, which was a non-tour of Stanmer Park with the theme of Orpheus and Eurydice. So think death, think opening doors and seeing brides running away from you, think lots of stuff involving rivers. It was a non-tour because you were left to explore the crumbling house, and stumble across the various “sleepers” (actors) who were scattered around.

We had no idea what to expect, and it turned out to be a lovely, but slightly baffling, thing.

It was my birthday

It was my birthday yesterday, and I had a very nice day indeed thank you. Richard bought me lots of photography toys (a new tripod, and a couple of books [1],[2]) which will keep me out of mischief, and I got some lovely presents from other friends and family.

We went out for dinner at the Regency Restaurant, which was pretty good, although La Fourchette is still my favourite seafood restaurant. We then headed off to meet Jeremy for a drink at the 3JBs, probably the last time I’ll ever go there as their customer service was appaling – we ordered glasses of wine, which tasted like vinegar to us, and they then refused to replace them. All in all a good birthday (although less surprises than last year :-).

Yesterday had text from

Yesterday I had a text from Heather saying that she was going to be appearing in Hove Crown Court (she’s a barrister) and were we around for a coffee. I was and so after she’d done her barrister stuff, Heather and I met up for a coffee, and then we toddled off to Lucy’s for lunch (where Richard joined us) and then we decided to head to the Grand for a bottle of champagne before Heather had to head off back to London. One of those “it just happened” kind of afternoons. Lovely.

My Sloppy project has

My Sloppy project has a write-up in PC-Pro magazine, issue 104 (June 2003, cover headline: “Can you ditch Microsoft”). Jump to page 207/208. One day you might see it in the Real world section of the magainze’s web site. But not for a month or so, I’d guess.

We spent Easter weekend

abstract tulip

We spent Easter weekend in Hull visiting my parents, and managed to fit in quite a lot – a Hull City match (we won!), some touristy stuff as well as setting Dad up with a new PC. As usual I took heaps of photos, so I’ll get around to processing them sometime soon.

Update: The photos are now up here.

We went round to

We went round to see Paul and Tess’s new house last night, and very lovely it is too. We were in no rush, and they had no other plans, so we ordered a takeaway curry and sat and had a very lovely meal. Now we don’t order takeaway food very often as we often find the quality suffers, but the Nishat Tandoori had some lovely dishes (it does Goan and Indian so there were a few interesting variations). And what is even better, is that it’s only a couple of streets away from our house. Smashing.