Mandy and Chris visited

Mandy and Chris visited us over the weekend and took us out of town to the Yew Tree Inn (“Nr Polegate, Sussex, 01323 870590”). It’s a pub that serves top food… too much top food, but I couldn’t stop myself eating it. Aside from food they also serve my current favourite beer. The tables are maybe a bit too close together, but apart from that, it gets both (yes, both) thumbs up.

Of course, we’ll never find it again as it’s in the middle of nowhere.

The house is currently

The house is currently under siege. Seems there was a cat trapped in the bin cupboard (trash or refuse area) outside the house. And now it’s out and it’s pretty angry, or maybe distressed. No-one really wants to get too close to it to find out for sure.

What are you supposed to do in these situations? The RSPCA web site isn’t terribly helpful, so I gave them a call and they more-or-less said “forget it, but call us if you think it’s really really hurt”. So, my plan is to forget about it.

Part of the weekend

Part of the weekend was handed over to painting wood and messing with lighting in the house. There’s something quite special when you unscrew a ceiling lighting fixture expecting to find three wires only to discover ten. Mmm.. I just love our British wiring standards.

Anyway, today I was in our local shopping centre looking for a few bits a pieces and there was a lovely dog running around – friendly thing, dashing up to people and sniffing and being all curious the way dogs are. Then I found this sign: “POLICE – DRUG DOG TRAINING”. And I thought s/he was being friendly, not frisking me. Still, they’d probably make great pets when they retire.