Still playing with the

Sky over Devil's Dyke


Still playing with the new camera! This time with a night shot – something I’ve never been able to do before as I’ve never had a camera which you can adjust the shutter time on. So, this was taken at the camera’s maximum shutter time of 15 seconds (which I discovered is too long a bright moon!). The only adjustment I’ve made to it is to reduce the red levels a bit as there was more light pollution in the image than in reality. Tomorrow I’ll play with the other photos I took, and will probably add them to the gallery. If I get the feeling in my fingers back that is…

managed to read newspaper

I managed to read a newspaper over the holiday (gasp) and there
was a story about the the results of
the International Rock Paper Scissors Championships. Yup,
there’s a championship out there. Although the World RPS Society talks about “wits, craft and ingenuity”,
I’m thinking it boils down to luck and a bit of speed. However, you might want
to check out the advanced guide, study the
gambits and maybe look at the FAQ for
advice on handling a “RPS match against a perceived psychic”.

Today we managed to

Pier collapse

Today we managed to get down to take a look at the West Pier and see how much had collapsed. It was a perfect opportunity for me to play with my new camera, and so there are a set of photos.

I’ve actually had the time to play with a few of the images, following instructions found on Eric Jeschke‘s site specifically for The Gimp (the image manipulation application I use) – and so I’ve used a different technique for making colour images black and white, and have also added a bit of grain to one. Top Marks to Eric for making really easy to understand instructions.