The night sky photos are now added to the gallery, so go and take a look.
Still playing with the
Still playing with the new camera! This time with a night shot – something I’ve never been able to do before as I’ve never had a camera which you can adjust the shutter time on. So, this was taken at the camera’s maximum shutter time of 15 seconds (which I discovered is too long a bright moon!). The only adjustment I’ve made to it is to reduce the red levels a bit as there was more light pollution in the image than in reality. Tomorrow I’ll play with the other photos I took, and will probably add them to the gallery. If I get the feeling in my fingers back that is…
As threatened…
As I threatened before, another “odd” photo. This is of one our Christmas tree lights amongst the tree. I liked the way the light fell.
ve been playing with
I’ve been playing with the settings on my new camera today, and the above is just one of many. Somehow I’m sure over the next few weeks, more of these odd images will appear here 🙂
Happy New Year
Just thought I’d start 2003 with a wish for a healthy, happy and successful year for all our friends
Found small elephant in the sales
I found a small elephant in the December sales. Trust me: it’ll look just fine in the garden.
managed to read newspaper
I managed to read a newspaper over the holiday (gasp) and there
was a story about the the results of
the International Rock Paper Scissors Championships. Yup,
there’s a championship out there. Although the World RPS Society talks about “wits, craft and ingenuity”,
I’m thinking it boils down to luck and a bit of speed. However, you might want
to check out the advanced guide, study the
gambits and maybe look at the FAQ for
advice on handling a “RPS match against a perceived psychic”.
Today we managed to
Today we managed to get down to take a look at the West Pier and see how much had collapsed. It was a perfect opportunity for me to play with my new camera, and so there are a set of photos.
I’ve actually had the time to play with a few of the images, following instructions found on Eric Jeschke‘s site specifically for The Gimp (the image manipulation application I use) – and so I’ve used a different technique for making colour images black and white, and have also added a bit of grain to one. Top Marks to Eric for making really easy to understand instructions.
I got a new camera for Christmas
I got a new camera for Christmas (a Canon G3), and I’ve been busy taking heaps of photos in the last few days – so here are photos from Christmas Day (including photos of the annual Brighton sea swimming), Boxing Day and the 27th December
West Pier Collapses
This morning, at around 9am, some of the West Pier collapsed into the sea. We didn’t know anything about it until it was mentioned on the 5pm news so we’ve not been down to see it. Probably will do tomorrow though armed with the camera. There has been a lot of discussion about the future of the West Pier, this looks like it might do away with the restoration plans which is a real shame as I think it’s a beautiful building.