Our Christmas cards arrived

Our Christmas cards arrived from CharityCards.co.uk arrived today, so we can now get on with writing them. It seems like we’ve only just finished writing Thank You cards for all our very generous friends after the wedding. Maybe we should have gone for the Personalised Christmas Cards so we didn’t have to write anything – somehow though at the time that seemed just too impersonal, now I’m beginning to think it would have been a great idea!

listened to Cherie Blair

I listened to Cherie Blair’s statement on Radio 5 on the way back from Chesterfield last night about the whole Peter Foster and flat buying thing. It left me with a couple of questions – why are there 2 flats in Bristol – what is the other one for?, and why isn’t student accommodation good enough for their son? With a government policy that seems to be making it increasingly hard for students to survive without debt, why should he get such a helping hand? I also hadn’t realised that he had government officials helping him with his homework this time last year! Nice!

use Yahoo email when

I use Yahoo! email when I’m not at home/in the office, and today the eDiets banner was displayed telling me to “lose 10lbs by Dec 25th”. Interesting concept… going on a diet BEFORE Christmas!

It must be winter

It must be winter because we’ve mentioned TV twice in todays blogs….

The Web Review isn’t a particularly interesting web site but it makes strangely compelling TV (ITV, no idea when… probably the very small hours of the morning). They give a quick review of a web site and then chat about it. Sounds dull, but the presenters make it something I’d watch again.

We were catching up

We were catching up on our tv watching last night and watched a Horizon from last week – about homeopathy. It was interesting, and the experiments were interesting. But, the experiments they were doing was to test the “Memory of Water“. Now, this relates to the fact that a homepathy concentration has no molecules in it – so how can it work? The theory was that the water has a memory of what active ingredients it had in before it was diluted. Now, the experiments they did were very controlled. They took one drop of histimine and put it into 99 drops of water. Then they repeated this process (1 drop of the new solution to 99 drops of water) until they’d got it to the equivalent of less than one drop in the entire seas in the world. So pretty concentrated then! They tested this solution against a control solution – just water. The results came out that there was no proof that it worked – some control solutions worked, some concentrated solutions worked. So they couldn’t say that the homeopathy principal worked.

Interesting, but… this is what got me. If you’re testing whether water has a memory, then how can your control solution be water? Surely, all water will have a memory won’t it?

ve been dragging the

I’ve been dragging the last bits of life out of my current phone, holding off on a replacement until the
P800 becomes available (originally due in September, now January).
Anyway, apparently it appears in the new Bond movie, Die Another Day. I’ve not seen the film yet, but I’m told the Bad Guy has one.