was listening to the

I was listening to the Connected Traveller : Travel News/Odds ‘n’ Ends this morning and one of the items was about The Happy Planet Index which is an index of human well-being and environmental impact. The UK is pretty low with a HPI (Happy Planet Index) of 40.3. The top of the index is Vanuatu with an HPI of 68.2. The lowest is Zimbabwe with 16.6 where life expectancy is only 36.9 years.

You can calculate your own HPI. I scored 29.7 which isn’t very good, but seems to be pretty badly affected on ecological footprint which for me is 8.62 global hectares, or the equivalent of 4.79 planets – oops! Most of this is due to my 30 mile each way trip to work, and my flights to the US/Canada for snowboarding. We’re pretty good with recycling, but I need to be better at turning electrical appliances off rather than leaving them in standby.

Brighton Cafe Scientifique

We went to the last of this season’s Cafe Scientifiques at the Terraces this evening. Tonight’s discussion was “Bones, Rocks and Stars: the science of when things happened” given by Chris Turney. It was a really interesting talk, with props (inflatable globe, skulls etc) and promoted a really good discussion afterwards. This was the kind of science that I can cope with – some of them can be a bit too technical for me – but I always learn something. Tonight I learnt about the calendar system, and that the western astrological calendar is out of kilter with the constellations by approximately one month (see Astrology vs Astronomy and read the section on Zodiacs in Astrology). Also in Ethiopia it is currently 1998

One of the gentlemen we shared a table with was telling us about The Royal Society and about their discussions which are open to the public. Apparently he went to a very interesting one on climate change a while ago and looking at their website they are have a wide range of topics. Maybe something to keep an eye on.

As we were heading home, Richard pointed out that I could enter into the cult of mac and create an iCal calendar for the Brighton Cafe Scientifique – so I have and it can be subscribed to at webcal://ical.janeandrichard.co.uk/BrightonCafeScientifique.ics

bought myself an FM

I bought myself an FM transmitter for my iPod shuffle last week. I found that I was only using the shuffle when I was on the bus or train and that seemed to be a bit of a shame, not to mention that my collection of podcasts was getting out of hand. So, I did a bit of a search and found a couple of likely suspects, the AudiaX iTube-101 and FM Transmitter for iPod nano, iPod shuffle and video iPod. The second one is quite interesting as it just plugs into the headphone jack, and so would work with any portable music device, the downside is that it needs an AAA battery. The AudiaX one works off the cigarette lighter connected to the USB port and so takes its power from that, as well as charging the shuffle. This does, however, only work with the shuffle. I’ve chosen the AudiaX version as I just can’t face buying so many batteries. So far the solution is working well for me, there are 4 memory locations for the frequency so I can just swap between them as I move between areas. I’ve now finished listening to the Baddiel and Skinner world cup podcasts, and have moved on to the ITV Tour de France podcasts.

The London 2012 Roadshow

The London 2012 Roadshow is in Brighton tomorrow.

Where: Brighton, Seafront

When: 18:30 to 21:00

What: Cultural and sporting activities

And according to the Council “On 14 July the Roadshow bus will be on the seafront (opposite the Grand Hotel near the basketball court) for a sports and cultural event. There will be basketball, volleyball and hip hop displays for the public to enjoy, starting at 7pm and continuing to 9pm”. Shame we’re going to be at the cinema.

My squash days are over

I played my first game of squash with Suz over 4 years ago and we played together for about 6 months until she went back to New Zealand to be with the lovely Greg. I didn’t play for another year or so and then found a new squash buddy at work and have played once a week pretty much since October 2003. But no more. I’m forced to hang up my raquet and retire. A couple of weeks ago I started having some pain in my left knee, and my right shoulder, and today after little improvement I went to see the Doctors. The diagnosis is a torn muscle (probably deltoid) in my shoulder, and a strained or sprained ligament in my left knee. The Doctor recommended that I give up squash, and if I don’t give it up I should wear a knee brace.

When I was young I often had knee problems, they would lock when I sat on the floor. I remember going dry slope skiing one time and not being able to walk for a couple of days. When I mentioned this to a previous Doctor I was told to be careful, and if I wanted to go skiing I should buy a knee brace. So, having been warned before I feel it is time to listen. Much as I’ve enjoyed squash, I enjoy snowboading more and after just buying a new board, I’m not willing to risk that, and I don’t really get knee pain when snowboarding so I’m planning to continue.

So, I need a new sport that doesn’t involve lots of lateral knee movement. Suggestions from friends at work have been shove ha’penny, tiddlywinks and cards. Anybody got any slightly more active, but pretty low impact for knees suggestions?

Probably the most famous

Probably the most famous footballer in the world, Pele, is to visit non-league Garforth Town because the football ground is being named as “Estadio Edson Arantes do Nascimento”. Simon Clifford, the owner of Garforth Town, has contacts with Brazil and other South American footballing nations, which has led to Socrates coming out of retirement to play for Garforth Town in 2004, and according to the Yorkshire Post both Carlos Alberto and Luiz Felipe Scolari are due to visit over summer.