Brighton Cafe Scientifique

We went to the last of this season’s Cafe Scientifiques at the Terraces this evening. Tonight’s discussion was “Bones, Rocks and Stars: the science of when things happened” given by Chris Turney. It was a really interesting talk, with props (inflatable globe, skulls etc) and promoted a really good discussion afterwards. This was the kind of science that I can cope with – some of them can be a bit too technical for me – but I always learn something. Tonight I learnt about the calendar system, and that the western astrological calendar is out of kilter with the constellations by approximately one month (see Astrology vs Astronomy and read the section on Zodiacs in Astrology). Also in Ethiopia it is currently 1998

One of the gentlemen we shared a table with was telling us about The Royal Society and about their discussions which are open to the public. Apparently he went to a very interesting one on climate change a while ago and looking at their website they are have a wide range of topics. Maybe something to keep an eye on.

As we were heading home, Richard pointed out that I could enter into the cult of mac and create an iCal calendar for the Brighton Cafe Scientifique – so I have and it can be subscribed to at webcal://

Author: jane

Software Developer, Photographer and Snowboarder