A few weeks back we attempted to cycle a chunk of the South Downs Way, managing to do the 16-ish miles from our house to Falmer—which was a continuation for Jane and Jeremy of the route they started 3 years ago. You’d think once you got up onto the Downs it’s be relatively flat. But no…and to show it, here’s the elevation for the route we cycled:
Some of those climbs are impossible on a bike (well, for me). We need more practice on easier routes.
Which reminds me…back in September we were cycling an easier route along a different part of the downs and came across this vandalized structure along a small track:

It reads: “John Harvey ESQ.
of Ickwell Bury in the Country of Bedford
died suddenly on this spot
on the 20th Day of June 1819.
This plaque commemorates
the restoration of
Harvey’s cross on the 20 June 1999
made possible through funding
by the Harvey family to
perpetuate John Harvey’s memory
and preserve the something
of downland.”
Makes you wonder who the person was, especially given that Ickwell isn’t exactly close to Brighton (and the first rail line into Brighton wasn’t running until 1841). But unbelievably in this day and age, there’s very little information on the internet about it. Why commemorate the place where he died, far from home? Was he known to the area or a frequent visitor? Something as recent as the restoration in 1999 is not a simple google away, which is absurd.
Freakily, someone else was on the same spot one week before us and were equally baffled.
My first thoughts were that it’d be something to do with the local Harveys brewery, but I’m not sure that’s the case. I had to use a search engine other than google (gasp!) to find out anything. What I did find was some family tree information: “Mr Harvey was a deputy-lieut. for Bedfordshire, and served as its high-sheriff in 1795. At the period of the French Revolution he raised and supported, chiefly at his own expense, a troop of volunteers, called the Dismounted Bedfor[d]shire Horse Artillery.” Hmm…Just makes it more intriguing.
The cause of death is given as a fall from his horse, and his will is online.