I saw a couple of interesting articles in the Metro again this morning. The first was a selection of images from The Mollecular Expressions Photo Gallery. These are digital photographs taken through microscopes that can magnify up to 1,000 times. Interesting images are dinosaur bones, Meteorites, wines and vegetables. I particularly like the lettuce picture displayed below (with permission of Michael W. Davidson from the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory).
The other interesting article was about getting free music over the internet. A new service, BitBop Tuner, can be downloaded and will then scan on-line radio transmissions for the track you want to listen to. It will also allow you to track the type of music you want to listen to and find you likely radio stations. It scans playlists too, so should be able to find you radio stations who are about to play the track you’re interested in. All sounds pretty good to me.