accepted job offer today

I accepted a job offer today. I’m going to be working for a small company in Portslade doing internet/intranet stuff and I start on the 7th of January. Hurrah!

Unfortunately, the news isn’t as good for most of the other guys that I was made redundant with. There don’t seem to be many jobs around at the moment, and there seem to be agencies listing jobs that don’t exist, or agencies that won’t give you more details about a job before you send them your cv – all a bit suspicious.

For the record, here is a list of the job sites I’ve been using, ranked with the best at the top:

  • jobserve – always has a lot on offer (not all of them exist though)
  • gojobsite – again has a lot on offer, and there isn’t much cross over with jobserve
  • wired sussex – doesn’t have much on offer, but it is all local (to me anyways)
  • monster – allows you to create an online cv so potential employers can find out more about you
  • planetrecruit – not a bad site, but seems to have many of the same jobs as gojobsite, and I prefer the gojobsite layout

Author: jane

Software Developer, Photographer and Snowboarder