When you work from

When you work from home a lot, sometimes you need to get out of the house — even if it’s just for ten minutes — to stop yourself going mad. Human interaction. Air. That kind of thing. So, I’d popped out to the closest coffee shop (yes, it’s a Starbucks) to get myself a tall skinny latte and I’m walking it home up our street. At the bottom of the street there’s a small white van, and inside there’s a big happy dog, probably a Golden Retriever or something like that. The kind of dog that ‘s inquisitive and doesn’t seem to know how strong it is: heavy tail wagging away and big paws jumping up onto anything interesting. Outside the car was a man with a coat hanger, trying to angle the coat hanger through an open window to lift up the door latch. Hmmm…. I don’t think I’d choose to break into a car that has a dog in it. As I got closer I was wondering whether this was a 999 (911) situation, when I overheard the guy talking to the dog: “this is all your fault that you’re locked in…”. And you can just see it: big dog jumps up at the window, paws slip down onto the lock and… “clunk”.