There I was reading the BBC sports pages this morning to check what Jeremy had just told me (about Gerrard definitely not going to the World Cup) and I stumbled across Mini Motty. Now if you’re not British, chances are you haven’t heard of Motty – John Motson – but Motty is a famous football commentator for the BBC for television and radio, and seems to have been around for ever. He is most often thought of as being somewhere cold wearing a sheepskin coat (which are the clothes Mini Motty wears). Mini Motty can be downloaded from the site and allows you to select up to 5 teams to hear news about. When new news is posted to the BBC site, Motty will let you know. And in the meantime, he’ll entertain you by dancing, kicking a ball, sending you off, having a walk around your screen and any number of other things. What a really entertaining concept. Well done BBC.