Radios should be more

Radios should be more like TVs. Dials? A limited number of stored stations labelled “1” or “2”? Why not have a bit of a screen, a few logos so I can select a channel and go there, rather than scanning for channels? Anyway…

I have a thing about needing a radio version of TiVo, and today Jane tempted me with a couple of URLs.

TiVo for radio’ set for UK launch is a story in the Guardian… but from 14 Feb 2001. Alas the company in the article, sounds like it’s sort of lost the way. Shame.

The second, Bitbop Tuner is TiVo For Radio is from Jul 27, 2001 sounded better, in that it’s a download for your PC. I go for the download button but the site has an important notice telling me that they’ve “discontinued distribution”.
(Amusing moment: The system requirements list “Minimum Ram: 64MB”, fine, “Processor: Absolutely Necessary” 🙂

So it seems people have tried to make better radios, but there’s no money in it.