Fortunately yesterday journey back

Fortunately, yesterday’s journey back from Chesterfield to Brighton was much smoother than last weeks and I got home only 10 minutes late. A miracle!

Yesterday I used my time wisely – I listened to a talk by Tim O’Reilly (him of the O’Reilly books) on “The shape of things to come“, I read some more of my current work-related book “Love is the killer App” by Tim Sanders (another good read, this time about the power of networking with other people and helping people out – being a “lovecat”). I also then decided it was time to work through my address book in my Handera, and so started emailing people I hadn’t heard from in a while. Some of them have dissapeared off the face of the earth, but I’ve had some lovely responses from others. A good use of those 4 hours travelling time.

Oh yes, I was also sneezing and sniffing a fair bit as I seem to have become a bit of a snot monster again. I’m taking today off and am sitting at home trying to rest up and recover.

Author: jane

Software Developer, Photographer and Snowboarder