We went to see

We went to see Horse Country at Komedia last night. It won some prizes at last years Edinburgh Festival, and boy did it deserve them. It’s a fast moving, conversational piece between “Bob” and “Sam”. It’s clever, and must be hard work for the actors. But, and here it comes, it wasn’t as funny as I’d expected it to be from the things I’d read. In fact, it was a bit hard work at times listening to the relentless string of words. Possibly the weirdest thing for us was that the guy who plays “Sam” had the same mannerisms, and words that Jono has, which was somewhat surreal…

In our quest for a good Margarita somewhere that we don’t have to buy food as well (the only criticism of El Mexicano) we popped into Quod, a new place, on our way home. The Margarita’s were ok, but not as good as Sunday‘s. Quod was ok, but it seemed a bit too London for our tastes. Still, I’m sure we’ll eat there one day to check 🙂

Author: jane

Software Developer, Photographer and Snowboarder