Short story Putting together

Short story: Putting together BoConcept flat-pack furniture is more involved that slapping together something from Ikea, but you end up with something far more sturdy. Their also have superior customer service.

Longer story: We were missing one part from our flat-pack order (don’t ya hate it when that happens). Or rather we weren’t because we never ordered it. But then again we didn’t go into the store saying we want one of these bits, and two of those bits (etc). Rather, we said “we want something that looks like this” and the guy in the store said “a-ha, then you’ll need one of these, two of those…yada yada”. So it was their design error that left us short one piece. That’s how we look at it, but you can imagine the sort of prolonged in-store argument this problem could lead to, no doubt with reference to small-print about checking the order. But 30 minutes after realizing there was something missing, I was walking home with the extra bit it in my hand… no arguments, no discussion, no 6 week shipping delays, no exchange of money. That’s good customer service.

So: BoConcept: stupid name, not cheap, not fast, but overall very much worth it.

Oh my, that was a dull blog.