Kevan posted a link to an interesting MSG article from the Observer If MSG is so bad for you, why doesn’t everyone in Asia have a headache?. This is interesting, because I didn’t know that headaches are claimed to be a common symptom of eating MSG. I do get headaches when I’ve eaten too much (whatever, too much is) but a recent work meal at Cosmos, Tunbridge Wells left me with a headache and a slightly drunk feeling – and I hadn’t drank anything other than lemonade and water.
From the article: “Some of the names MSG goes under are:
monopotassium glutamate, glutavene, glutacyl, glutamic acid, autolyzed yeast extract, calcium caseinate, sodium caseinate, E621 (E620-625 are all glutamates), Ajinomoto, Ac’cent, Gourmet Powder.”
I’ve spotted E621 on a few things recently, and wondered if that was MSG as well…