Why do I blog?

Libby asked this question last November at the Brighton Bloggers meetup. It’s taken me a while to get around to actually answering this question properly, and in fact it might be a better starting point to ask:

Why did I start blogging?

Richard and I started this blog back in March 2001 and back then it was to save bookmarks centrally, to leave ourselves reminders and to keep our friends, overseas or local, up to date with what we were up to. Since then, I’ve started 2 other blogs – Jane’s Technical Stuff and Jane’s Photography blog.

Why separate blogs rather than just one?

Originally, the technical and photographic blogs shared a home with the joint blog with Richard, but it seemed a bit weird to have no separation between work and home. If I documented some feature on my technical blog during the working day, then I might want colleagues to read it, without them necessarily having to search through photos of my garden. The photography blog is the least active of the three, and is a place for reviewing lenses, equipment and for sharing good podcast/vodcasts I’ve come across.

Has the reason for blogging changed?

Sort of, I still blog technically on things I’ve found out, especially if I’ve had problems finding an answer using good old google. I still use them a little bit for bookmarking, but only when I’ve got some extended comments to make about it – otherwise I use del.icio.us. In 2003 I did an interview with the Mirror about being a blogger, reading the extract I took of it shows that actually my reasons haven’t really changed over the past 5 years.

Author: jane

Software Developer, Photographer and Snowboarder